How PowerPac Australia Become Busy This Year - 2022-23
2022-23 has been a busy year for the Spearhead development team. They have started every software included electrical estimator software , cable calculator australia everything was in boom with the latest Updates in the software. Companies like Spearhead Australia were pleased to announce the release of version 7 of Powerpac in August with a Minor update in December. Version 7 has a brand new user interface and includes 2 Australian Standards releases. These are AS3008:2017 and AS3000:2018. Versions of cable sizing calculator australia is also in progress. With the authentication of the team latest update will be in market till the end of this year. Watch this space as we are well into development of a Mac version which we are expecting to release in late January to mid February 2019. This will be the first Mac release by Spearhead of any of its software programs. New Apps will soon follow for Apple and Android. This is the progress that is being added in every aspec...